Saturday, May 7, 2016

Chapter 2: law of contract
1.       A contract is an agreement, which legally binds the parties.
2.       Referred as enforceable agreement.
3.       In Malaysia: Contract Act 1950.
4.        Essential elements of a contract.
o   Result of offer and acceptance.
o   Contains consideration
o   Parties’ intent to create legal relations.
5.        Validity of contract
o   Capacity : children have limited capacity to sign a contract
o   Form : verbally and writing
o   Content : generally agree any term
: Term must be reasonable, precise and complete.
6.       Offer
o   An expression of willingness to do or abstain from doing anything with a view to act or abstinence.
o   Can be made orally, written or implied
o   2 types: bilateral offer: offer made to a specific person / group of person.
                                   : unilateral: offer that is made to the world at large
o   Can either accept or to reject.
7.       Acceptance
o   May be in writing or oral form.
o   Must be communicated by the offeree by someone with its authority.
o   May be expressly or implied prescribe the method of communicating acceptance.
8.       Consideration
o    A promise is only legally binding if it is made in return for another promise or an act.
o   Type of consideration:
·         Executor consideration: contains mutual promises.
·         Executed consideration: the consideration for the promise is a performed.
·         Past consideration: consideration performed before any promise of reward.

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