Saturday, May 7, 2016

Chapter 4: Discharge of contract and remedies for breach of contract.
          1. Performance

o   A person a contract in accordance with its terms is discharged from any further obligations     Frustration
o   A contract is frustrated where there is a charge in the circumstances which renders a contract legally or physically impossible of performance.
       2.  Breach

o   A refusal to perform a contract when performance is due would amount to discharge.
       3 .Agreement

o   An agreement to discharge a contract is binding only if it is by deed, or if it is supported by consideration.
o   Two types: bilateral: the contract is executory  or partly on both sides.
                :unilateral: only one party has the rights to surrender.
        4. Remedies :

o   Common laws of remedies are damages.
        5. Specific performance

o   A decree issued by the court which orders the defendant  to carry out his obligation.

o   A mandatory injunction orders a person to take action to end of a breach of contract.

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